Eating by Design is Only the Beginning!
Eating by Design
Congratulations on completing the Eating by Design challenge!
The goal was not to be perfect, but to learn, grow, develop community and hopefully see some positive changes in your health. So now what? Well our journey has barely begun! Unlike most temporary diet programs, this is a life-long journey.
Don't Quit!
We encourage you to continue to eat a Biblical diet outlined in Eating by Design moving forward. We know this won't be easy and there will be ups and downs throughout the year, so we'll keep the Facebook Group open so we can continue the questions, recipe sharing, and community as we do this journey of health together. However, we will continue to discuss nutrition as we prepare our bodies for deeper healing and cleansing in the near future.
It's Not Too Late
If you haven't signed-up for the Eating by Design Challenge, it's not too late. Anyone can sign-up at anytime to receive the free resources and access to the private Facebook Group. Sign-up for the Challenge here.
Monthly Cleansing Themes
Each month for the entire year we will introduce a new area to cleanse that will build upon the foundation we have already established. In February we are going to focus on cleansing the skin, Other topics will include emotional health, clean thinking, having a clean tongue (think the book of James), hormone balancing and of course cleaning up the body such as colon, kidneys, liver, blood, lymph, lungs and more! In addition, we will have mini “challenges” throughout the year that could be a 3 day juice fast, a 7 day lymph cleanse, a 21 day Daniel Fast, and maybe even a 40 day fast (We’ll see, as the Holy Spirit leads).
If you can't do every cleanse or challenge we highlight, don't worry about it. Everyone is different and in a different place of life. Our goal is not for everyone to be perfect, but to educate you on God's design for our bodies and to build a community of people that will help and encourage each other in the journey. We are dedicated to choosing health and making wise choices daily, honoring God, God’s creations and our bodies in the process. There may be times of falling short of your goal, there may be periods of intense cleansing and fasting, and ideally, long periods of peace, joy, self-control and community related to food; free of indulgence, addiction, guilt and shame. Sounds good, right?
What can you expect?
- A new cleansing theme each month.
- Monthly emails to ALL newsletter subscribers, videos, and social media posts related to that theme.
- Meet & Greet times at the Spirit of Health store in Grandview, MO.
What you should do:
- Follow Spirit of Health on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay up to date on new recipes, health articles, and cleansing tips.
- Subscribe to our blog (on the right side of this page) and get all of our articles emailed to you or sent to your RSS reader.
- Share Eating by Design with your friends and family. It's not too late for people to sign-up for the challenge. Anyone can start at anytime and join the community.
- Sign-up for our mailing list, if you haven't already (at the very bottom of this page), to get more tips, articles, and recipes all month.
In summary, the body of Christ needs knowledge. I need it, my family needs it and you need it. We are being taken out by the enemy through lies, deception, advertising, marketing, poor education, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and our medical system.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” -Hosea 4:6.
It is more true today than ever before. Our goal is to provide as much education as we can this year in order to give you the tools you need for you and your family to find optimal health the way God designed it to be. So buckle your seat belts, grab your Bible, start praying fervently for wisdom and revelation because the Lord knows we have dug ourselves a deep hole. We are called to be overcomers and good health is available to us through God, through Jesus Christ, and His creations of food, sunshine and water on this earth. Choosing these things will restore life to ALL who choose them! We see it every day. Are you the next praise God testimonial?