10 Steps to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease -Healing by Design

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According to the Alzheimer's Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's. By 2050, this number is projected to rise to nearly 14 million. Alzheimer’s disease is defined as a progressive illness that destroys memory and other important mental functions. So how does this degenerative brain disease enter the body? Many experts believe that excessive accumulation of toxins in the brain causes Alzheimer's and disrupts the relationship between brain cells. These toxins eventually cause cognitive function issues. Here are some of the main issues that many believe are linked to this devastating disease:  

  • An accumulation of toxins in the body from food, water, air, work/home environments

  • Heavy metal poisoning from things like mercury and aluminum

  • Inadequate blood supply 

  • Malnutrition 

  • Reduced oxygen supply 

  • Chemical imbalances

  • Suppressed immunity

  • Inadequate physical activity, mental stimulation, or social interaction

Unfortunately, an Alzheimer's diagnosis doesn't solve the root problem of toxicity. The issue can’t be remedied by taking medications that seek to manage the symptoms but not cure the cause. Fortunately, our bodies are well-equipped to eliminate harmful elements by detoxing the body and preventing Alzheimer’s and other deteriorating diseases from occurring. 


Below are the top ten steps we have found to be effective in detoxing naturally. 


1. GET TESTED FOR HEAVY METALS. Most heavy metal poisoning happens through things we come into contact with every day, from silver dental fillings to cosmetics and cookware. Millions of people are currently suffering from debilitating illnesses caused by the toxicity of heavy metals within the body, but many have no idea that the heavy metals are there. It is important to get tested for heavy metals and combat toxins before they develop into a larger issue. Here are some of the Heavy Metal Tests we have found to be the most accurate. 

2. CHANGE TO A DETOXIFYING DIET. The focus on overcoming Alzheimer's should always be to boost the immune system, fight infections, and eliminate toxins in the body. The first way to do this is through diet. It is essential to follow a healthy diet that works to combat infections, heavy metals, and chemicals while helping to support your digestive system and your body’s natural detoxification pathways. Our clients have had great success by doing The Body Ecology Diet for a significant period of time to eliminate toxins and infections.

  • Foods to Avoid:

    • Bad fats & fired foods (canola, cottonseed, vegetable)

    • Processed foods

    • White flours

    • Caffeine 

    • Highly processed sugars

    • High mercury content foods like tuna 

    • Produce that is sprayed with pesticides

  • Foods to Eat:

    • Organic foods without pesticides

    • Non-starchy vegetables

    • Low sugar fruits

    • Healthy proteins

    • Dark leafy greens

    • Fermented foods

    • Nutrient-dense foods

    • Foods to eat for brain health:

      • Nuts and seeds, specifically walnuts

      • Healthy oils (fish oils, coconut oil, and olive oil)

3. HYDRATION & MINERALS. It's important to stay hydrated. Purified water is essential for alkalizing your body. Tap water is mildly acidic in most areas with a low pH and traces of pesticides, heavy metals, and fluoride. Pure water with minerals is healing to the body. Minerals play an essential role in almost every body function, including bone and heart strength, brain health, and hormone balance. Additionally, it’s also important to avoid dehydrating drinks like coffee, soda, and beverages with caffeine, artificial ingredients, and processed sugars.

Hydration & Mineral recommendations:

4. FRESH AIR & SUNSHINE. Fresh air and sunshine are powerful gifts and resources from God. A little sunshine in the eyes is especially great for healing the brain and neurotransmitters. Start with 20-30 minutes of sun in the morning before 11:00 am and increase each day until you get to at least an hour. Please note that you should use caution and avoid over-exposure at the beginning, especially if your skin is not used to being in the sun. Consider and research the benefits of watching sunrises or sunsets but avoid staring at the midday sun. Wear light-colored clothing and wide-brim sun hats and avoid sunglasses and harmful sunscreens.

Recommended Products For Sun Exposure:

5. OXYGENATE THE BLOOD. The brain needs oxygen to operate and heal the body. Many clinics offer Ozone and Food Grade H2o2 Therapies for this purpose, which can be extremely powerful for fighting severe illnesses, like Alzheimer's. 

 Product Recommendations:

6. ANTIOXIDANTS. These help to protect the brain because they counteract the unstable molecules that comprise free radicals in the body, preventing the adverse effects of oxidative stress. That's why many antioxidants may reverse some of the symptoms people get when aging, like memory loss.

Antioxidant Recommendations:

7. DETOX. If you know you have metals and chemicals in your body, you must detox. Fasting is one of the best ways to heal the body and helps speed up the detoxification process. Learn more about fasting and the different types of fasts you can do at spiritofhealthkc.com/fasting. Along with diet and fasting, many natural supplements can help with the detoxification process too. 

8. USE THE BRAIN. If you want to stay sharp, consistently use your brain now, and never slow down. By exercising your mind throughout your life, you can slow down mental decline as you age. Keeping your brain active appears to protect the connections among brain cells and may help you grow new cells. Try daily puzzles, memorizing, studying scriptures in the Bible, and even learning a new language. 

9. AVOID DANGEROUS ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (EMFs). High levels of EMFs can be extremely harmful to the body. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid them altogether, so we must do our best to limit our exposure as much as possible. Here are a few things to try:

  •  Get rid of your microwave (it kills valuable nutrients in your food anyway, so it's best to avoid them altogether).

  • Keep your phone on airplane mode when not in use.

  • Don't wear your phone on your body. Keep it in your purse, bag, or desk.

  • Use speakerphone when talking to people on the phone.

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi every night before bed or when not in use.

  • Don't sleep with your phone in your bedroom (you'll find that this will help you sleep better for more reasons than one).

  • Get grounded. The best way to get grounded is to take off your shoes and put your bare feet on the ground. When that's not an option, we like to use Earthing Mats or Sheets by True Rife. We use the sheet at night while we're sleeping and the mat when we're working on the computer.

  • Consider getting a phone and computer protectors. We recommend Hedron Harmonizer Cell Phone Protector.

10. DETOX YOUR HOME. Avoid chemicals in cleaning supplies, cosmetics, personal care products, sunscreen, pharmaceutical drugs like statins, OTC drugs, aluminum and chemicals in deodorant, laundry detergent, etc.. When looking for clean brands, we like to use ewg.org to see what's in each product.


The human brain is an amazing organ that controls every function of the brain. When diseases or disorders overtake the mind, the results are devastating. However, there is hope! The most important thing we can all do is set our minds on Jesus! God created your mind, and He can renew your mind (Romans 12:2). "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." -Matthew 22:37