Understanding The Endocrine System – Ovaries & Testes
Gonads is the term used for the organs that make sex hormones and reproductive cells for both men and women.
The ovaries are the female gonads. The ovaries are paired organs that are found in the pelvic cavity. The ovaries are the organs that produce the egg, which is the female reproductive cell that, if fertilized, will give rise to the embryo. The ovaries also produce steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone which are both critical for a healthy pregnancy.
The testes are the male gonads. Like the ovaries, the testes are paired organs, but unlike the ovaries, the testes are found outside the pelvic cavity and are contained in the scrotal sac. The testes are the organs that produce sperm, which is the male reproductive cell.
Basic Responsibilities:
Maintenance and regulation of reproductive cycles
Management of secondary sexual characteristics: Body Hair, Muscle Development, Breast Enlargement, Voice Change
Symptoms of Ovary/Testes Weakness:
Pain in the groin area
Pain around a women's menstrual cycle
Pain during intercourse or during orgasm
Irregular hormone imbalances: hair growth in women or breast growth for men
NOTE - Women are getting cysts on their ovaries from lymph and liver congestion and hormone imbalances. Birth control is NOT a solution and is dangerous for your future health and fertility. Learn More >
Lifestyle Factors:
Exercise is well known to increase hormone production and sperm count for men
Sunshine! Hormone production starts with light. You can practice watching the sunrise and sunset, slowly increasing your time each day
Avoid tap water and drink purified water with minerals
Cleansing is key to healthy sexual function. The Lymph Cleanse is most crucial
Nutrition Factors:
Eat an alkaline diet, acidity damages the glandular system
Seaweeds and iodine rich foods like black walnut, kelp, nori, dulse, etc.
Avoid alcohol. It is known to be especially damaging to men's sperm count and motility
GREENS heal and alkalize the body. Eat your green, leafy vegetables and greens powders like spirulina, chlorella, etc.
Avoiding grains and sugars. Sugars weaken hormones and the overall immune system
Choose fruit and ancient seed grains like quinoa, millet, amaranth, and buckwheat
Healthy fats such as coconut, avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, and fish in small amounts
Nuts and seeds, especially those high in Vitamin E such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Nuts and seeds are the reproductive parts of the plan, so especially good for the testes and ovaries
Figs look like male testes and are known to help with reproduction. Grapes as well
Avocado looks like a baby in the womb. Great for reproductive health
Avoid all Genetically Modified Foods such as corn and soy (GMO's are designed not to reproduce)
Herbs & Supplements f0r Ovaries:
Lymph Cleanse by Spirit of Health is most important overall
Spirit of Health - Pine Pollen: This is the reproductive nutrients of the tree and helps with fertility
Dr. Morse - Endocrine Balance: Best overall endocrine balancing formula
NHI - Maca Harmony: To order this product you must create a free account in our online store.
Nutrex - Bio Astin: Astaxanthin is an amazing antioxidant and protects your body so you can absorb more light and sunshine for your overall hormone health and ovary function
North American Herb & Spice - Royal Oil or Royal Power: Royal jelly is what they feed the queen bee, and it has powerful reproductive qualities
Spirit of Health - Superfood Powder: These are some of the most nutrient dense superfoods God created all in one formula.
Herbs & Supplements f0r Testes:
Lymph Cleanse by Spirit of Health is most important overall
Raw Forest Foods - Pine Pollen: This is the reproductive nutrients of the tree and helps with fertility
Raw Forest foods or Cedar Bear - Tongkat Ali: Best herb for testosterone
NHI - Macalibrium: To order this product you must create a free account in our online store.
North American Herb & Spice - Royal Oil or Royal Power: Royal jelly is what they feed the queen bee, and it has powerful reproductive qualities
Nutrex - Bio Astin: Astaxanthin is an amazing antioxidant and protects your body so you can absorb more light and sunshine for hormone and testosterone health
Spirit of Health - Superfood Powder: These are some of the most nutrient dense superfoods God created all in one formula.
Learn About Other Glands in the Endocrine System:
If you think you might have hormone imbalance then take our free hormone assessment, and we'll send you the results plus a free 29-day hormone balancing guide.