Why We're Giving to Praying Families


This week as you celebrate the ultimate gift that was given, we invite you to join us in giving to an organization called Praying Families.

Praying Families (www.prayingfamilies.org) is being launched by some wonderful friends of ours, John and Sarah Markman. They have four children, and to know them all is to witness something remarkable. They have managed to incubate a culture of worship and prayer within their home, and are very skilled and generous in how they have led others to do similar.

At Spirit of Health, we believe that all healing begins and ends with God. He created you. He created a perfect organism in His likeness, and only He can heal us. God has called us to trumpet His healing power of the human body through the things He has made, and along with that we also believe in the magnificent power of prayer.

 Pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

The vision of Praying Families is to see thousands of homes where reading the Bible, praying and singing to Jesus as a family is normal. Because of the major challenges families face such as limited time and no model for family worship, John and Sarah are creating resources to equip families like books, videos, and online courses. As a culture of prayer and worship is developed in the home, it will raise up healthy future generations that love the Lord.


As you consider giving a 2016 year-end gift, we encourage you to pray about giving to Praying Families. In our opinion, this would be one of the most strategic investments you could make.

You can make a tax-deductible gift by clicking here.

-Blessings, Vaughn & Jen