9-Steps For Healthy Kidneys - Healing by Design
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, more than 661,000 Americans have kidney failure. Of these, 468,000 individuals are on dialysis, and roughly 193,000 live with a functioning kidney transplant. Each year, kidney disease kills more people than breast or prostate cancer. In fact, in 2013, more than 47,000 Americans died from kidney disease. Those numbers are astonishing and heartbreaking. As with most cases of illness in the body, this is not what God intended.
In this article, we seek to explain why our kidneys are important, present some reasons behind kidney disease, and share ten natural ways to help heal kidney disease and kidney stones.
What is the Purpose of the Kidneys?
Each of our organs has a purpose, and the kidneys are no exception. These red, kidney bean-shaped organs play a critical role in the detoxification process within the body. The kidneys are responsible for not only processing all liquids that enter the body but also for filtering and eliminating lymph fluid. Their number one job is to keep the blood clean and healthy, which it does by removing acid wastes from the lymphatic system.
Our kidneys maintain a proper fluid balance within the body, balancing salt, potassium, and acids. Acids are the waste product of primary metabolism that must be eliminated by the body. If acids buildup, it can cause damage to the entire body. Many people suffering from joint pain, knee pain, arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions do so because they have a buildup of these acids in their bodies.
Signs of Poor Kidney Function
High blood pressure
Electrolyte imbalances
Poor prostate health
Cardiovascular disease
Endocrine issues (adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues)
Swelling finger/toes/ankles
Swollen under eyes
Lymph congestion
Yeast infections
Lower back pain
Sore or weak knees
Hearing loss
How & Why Do We Get Kidney Problems?
All kidney issues are from excess acidity and buildup of inorganic minerals, mostly due to the consumption of processed foods, tap water, and toxins. Additionally, bladder infections develop from an acidic environment that allows infections to thrive.
10 STEP PROTOCOL - Healing Kidney Disease & Kidney Stones
When you're looking to heal your body, you must focus on whole natural foods, and eliminate anything heavily processed and filled with chemicals, pesticides, GMOs, and toxins. Lower your protein intake and focus on fruits and vegetables, especially the ones that have high water content. Grapes and citrus fruits, especially lemons, are incredible healing foods for the kidneys.
Foods to eat:
Drink warm or room temperature drinks, mainly distilled, de-ionized, or reverse osmosis water and juices throughout the day.
Eat high water content fruits and vegetables like cucumber, celery, dandelion, beet, parsley, spinach, kale, lettuce, carrots, radishes, watermelon, lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, apples, pineapple, grapes, black cherries, and berries (especially blueberries and cranberries).
Foods to avoid:
All processed foods
Drastically reduce or eliminate animal meat
Drastically reduce or eliminate dairy products
Complex grains (bread, pasta, pizza, baked goods)
Sugar and sugary drinks like soda
Large amounts of caffeine (coffee)
All soy products
Table salt
Dried fruit
Limit nuts
Try our free Eating by Design program to help you get on and stay on a diet filled with Kidney healing foods.
Scientists at the Royal London Hospital conducted a study that showed that those who took sodium bicarbonate every day were able to slow the progress of kidney disease dramatically compared to those who didn't.
Dr. Mark Sircus has also done extensive research on sodium bicarbonate. In his book, Sodium Bicarbonate, you can read about the benefits of sodium bicarbonate for several health conditions, including kidney disease, fungal infections, influenza, hypertension, and even cancer.
Here's a great way to take sodium bicarbonate every day. This drink quickly alkalizes the blood, opens the kidneys, and supplies much-needed bicarbonate minerals to the body. It also helps to break down stones and deposits.
Daily Kidney Drink Recipe:
8 ounces of distilled or filtered water
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon lemon juice (1/2 lemon or so)
1 tablespoon of Bragg's Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother”
Directions: Drink twice a day on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, or at least one hour after a meal.
Baking soda recommendations:
Any Food-Grade, Raw, & Unprocessed Baking Soda
Magnesium is crucial for kidney function because it serves as a vasodilator and helps open the blood vessels. We prefer using magnesium chloride over other forms of magnesium (like Epsom salts) because magnesium chloride restores the magnesium levels in the body. The best way to get magnesium chloride is to use the oil or flakes in a bath or foot soak for 15-20 minutes every night before bed. Watch how it not only helps your kidneys but heals and restores your whole body.
Magnesium chloride recommendations:
Spirit of Health Magnesium Bath Crystals (4oz, 8oz, 12oz, 16oz) *Top recommendation
Health & Wisdom Magnesium Oil (12 fl oz, 64 fl oz, and 1 gal) *Top recommendation
We've always been told that if our urine isn't clear, then we are dehydrated, but that couldn't be more wrong. The goal for your kidneys is to filter waste from the body, so every time you urinate, you should see acid waste eliminated, which means anything but clear. You know this if you have dark, cloudy, and stinky urine or if you check the PH of your urine and it’s acidic.
If your urine is clear, the PH of your urine is alkaline, and you urinate frequently, those could be indicators that your kidneys are congested, or you are incredibly over-hydrated, causing unwelcome stress on the kidneys and entire body.
If you are frequently urinating and it is always clear, this could mean that your kidneys are either blocked or you are over-hydrated. When you eliminate dehydrating foods like meat and coffee and switch to a diet with hydrating fruits and vegetables, you'll notice that you won't need to drink as much water to stay hydrated. We don't subscribe to drinking your weight in water because often, it's too much, and it hinders the filtration process. We suggest that you only drink if you are thirsty. The key is to always listen to your body and never force fluids.
If you experience any of the symptoms above or know that you have kidney issues, we highly recommend that you try our Kidney Cleanse. The protocol is completely free on our website, and we have seen it change the lives of many people with kidney issues, high blood pressure, edema, diabetes, bladder infections, and other health concerns. It's a 21-day plan that gives you diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on the kidney issue you are struggling with.
Kidney cleanse recommendations:
Kidney Cleanse Package #1 - for a weak bladder or incontinence
Kidney Cleanse Package #2 - for blocked and congested kidneys (this is for most people)
Kidney Cleanse Package #3 - for kidney-related infections
Try our delicious Hydra-tor Juice recipe that is sure to alkalize and cleanse the body and flush out toxins from the kidneys.
Chanca piedra is a small plant growing 12 to 18 inches in height and is indigenous to rainforests of the Amazon Basin, southern India, and China. It has been used for generations by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon to promote the body's natural elimination of gallstones and kidney stones. Chanca piedra can help relax urinary and bile tracts of someone taking the herb. As a result, foreign particles can pass through the body. This herb can help reduce the formation of obstructions in the gallbladder and kidney for the optimal flow of internal fluids.
Product recommendations for kidney stones:
Cedar Bear Chanca Piedra Extract (also known as the stone breaker)
Moving the body, creating heat, and sweating all aid in the body's detoxification process and help heal and open up elimination pathways in the body, like the kidneys. Try some or all of the recommendations below to get your kidneys filtering.
Movement recommendations:
Any other exercise that gets your body moving and sweating
Therapy recommendations:
Hot/cold water therapy
Lymphatic massage
Product recommendations:
Heritage Castor Oil Packs - place them over the kidneys for one hour daily.
Spirit of Health Cayenne Pepper - orally in foods or warm lemon water or try it topically on the skin over the kidneys.
Professional Formulas Pure Kidney - If you've had poor kidney filtration for a long time, you can try a kidney glandular.
Iridology is an excellent tool for assessing current health conditions and for preventive health care. We highly recommend that everyone does an Iridology Analysis, because it's a simple and noninvasive way to show you what's going on in your body. You can specifically see kidney weakness in the eye. You can also see the level of congestion in your kidneys and lymphatic system to know how serious you need to work on these issues. Acidity in human tissues leads to degenerative sicknesses and disease, so it's essential to know where your weaknesses are and start working to improve your health.
Additional resources: