Women's Health Triangles

Women’s Health

Optimal Triangle

For a woman to reach optimal health, her thyroid, ovaries, and adrenals need to be at their best individually and able to function cohesively. 

Thyroid Health

Thyroid health directly impacts women’s sex hormones and their monthly cycle. The job of the thyroid is to take iodine (of which our culture has a chronic deficiency) and convert it into thyroid hormones. These hormones are responsible for metabolism, weight loss, and regulation of body temperature. Iodine is crucial for thyroid function, breast health, ovary health, and cancer prevention. The thyroid uses more iodine than any other part of the body! If taking synthetic thyroid hormones, consider a natural alternative to bring the thyroid back into a state of balance.

Our Favorite Products for Thyroid Health:

Adrenal Health

Having healthy adrenals may be the most important hormonal factor for overall health. If you struggle with fatigue, stress, anxiety, blood sugars, low blood pressure, or poor concentration, adrenal fatigue is likely a component. When the body is bogged down with stress, hormones become negatively impacted. Strengthening the adrenals is key to ANY healing program, but especially vital for hormone health. With sustained energy and clear thinking, the body is able to adapt to the stressors of life in a manageable way. Adrenal health truly is one of the main foundational aspects of healing.

Our Favorite Products for Adrenal Health:

Hormone Health

The ovaries are paired organs that are found in the pelvic cavity, made by the same materials as the adrenal glands. The ovaries produce steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone which are both critical for overall health. Proper progesterone and estrogen levels are essential to having healthy ovulation. When the liver and lymphatic system are congested and hormones are imbalanced, women can obtain cysts on their ovaries. Typically, when stagnation and congestion are addressed, the female reproductive organs respond well. Here are some suggestions to help support a women’s endocrine system and get a few other systems of the body moving too. 

Our Favorite Products for Hormone Health:

When all 3 of these organs work synergistically women feel their best and can obtain optimal health.

Women’s Health

Depletion Triangle

Just as the Optimal Health Triangle utilized three areas to help women attain peak health, the Depletion Triangle exemplifies three areas that, when working together, deplete a woman’s health rapidly. Each one of these can independently damage overall health. When they collide, they create a perfect storm and wreak havoc unlike any other. The best way to catch it is to test for nutritional deficiencies and toxicity ahead of time before major symptoms occur.

The very first step in getting a strategic plan for optimal health is setting up a consultation with one of our Holistic Health Practitioners.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies (which are highly prevalent postnatal and increase with each subsequent birth), are imperative when it comes to overall health. Having the right minerals and enzymes feeding the body will increase the bioavailability of vitamins the body can utilize. Nutritional elements including magnesium, chromium, zinc, copper, and selenium are obligatory co-factors for hundreds of important enzymes and are also essential for the normal functions of vitamins. When the body is depleted of nutrients, it heavily impacts hormone health. Unfortunately, metabolism and the thyroid start to slow down. Then, digestion is compromised and the liver becomes overburdened. This leads to adrenal exhaustion and negatively impacts hormone production.

Adrenal Function

The adrenals function as your second brain, they influence various parts of the body; including digestion, liver function, balancing hormones, and sexual health/function. The adrenal glands are in charge of the body’s stress response and are responsible for producing more hormones than any other gland. They balance and manage the body’s potassium levels and help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. They drive the endocrine system and play a huge role in running the nervous system. So what is adrenal fatigue? It’s when your adrenal glands are so overworked that they can no longer produce cortisol and the other hormones that they’re responsible for creating. The American lifestyle is no friend of the adrenals, they suffer from the consumption of sugar, caffeine, and under the pressure of stress. When the adrenals are having to produce excessive amounts of cortisol to keep up with stress, other hormones (like progesterone) are robbed from their proper production cycle as cortisol uses up all of the precursor resources. The “pregnenolone steal” is a prime example of this. We can test adrenal function as well as hormones through a lab test we offer called the DUTCH Test. (Contact our Client Support Team at (816) 492-5648 ext. 2 for more information on lab testing.)


There is much to be said about toxicity, be it environmental or inherited. Toxicity can be attributed to many environmental factors: what you eat, where your food comes from, mold exposure, pharmaceutical participation, etc. It can also be inherited. Mothers pass down their toxicity load to their children in utero, which is why it is important to cleanse the body before conception. Much of America’s society today has never cleansed their bodies; neither have their mothers or grandmothers. This leads to heavy toxic loads and rampant chronic illnesses throughout generational lines. Our Holistic Health Practitioners find that running various lab panels for toxicity in their consultations helps them to dive deeper into the root cause of disease.

The good news is that you do not have to stay in a depleted state. Reaching optimal women’s health is not an unattainable fairy tale. Partnering with God’s design can bring healing and restoration to your body!

Vaughn LawrenceComment