Contraindications for neurofeedback

At Spirit of Health, we believe our therapies are safe and effective for most people; however, our therapies are not advised if you have any of the following conditions. Please contact our Therapy team if you are not sure which therapy is right for you.

  • Wearers of pacemakers, insulin delivery systems, or any other battery-operated or electrical implants.

  • Fever & Insensitivity to Heat – Individuals with insensitivity to heat or who have a fever should not use the infrared sauna until the fever subsides.

  • Pregnant or nursing women - Please contact our staff for more information on limitations.

  • Vertigo or neurological conditions that affect balance - Please contact our staff for more information on limitations.

  • If you have non-electrical implants such as titanium pins, some of our therapies may not be safe for you. Please contact our staff for more information on limitations.

  • Those with cardiovascular issues or if you are on heartbeat-regulating medications or blood thinners. 

  • Those on medications in which the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment (such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.). If medications are life-sustaining, you would not be eligible for IonCleanse Foot Bath or TrueRife treatments.

  • If you are doing chemotherapy, wait 48-72 hours after the last chemo session before using our therapies.

*Please contact your physician before use to discuss if this therapy is appropriate for you.