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Nine Steps to Eliminating Arthritis -Healing by Design

Arthritis is painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that by the year 2040, an estimated 78.4 million (25.9% of the projected total adult population) adults, age 18 years and older, will have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. This condition can create a life of pain and boundaries. However, when we make impactful adjustments to our diet and environment, we lessen the chances of painful inflammation. By following our 9-Step Arthritis Protocol, it’s possible to not only reduce the irritation and inflammation of joint pain but boost your immune system as a whole, helping you maintain an active and healthy life as God intended.


1. FOCUS ON NUTRITION. The food we eat should be the first focus when trying to overcome arthritis because nutrients found in food can heal and repair joints. There are also a variety of foods that can ease inflammation and help relieve some of the joint pain associated with arthritis. It is essential that 80% of your diet consists of alkaline or neutral foods and only 20% or fewer consists of acidic foods. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but low in processed foods, is not only great for overall health but can help overcome many inflammatory diseases like arthritis.  

  • Alkaline Foods to Consume: 

    •  Raw vegetables

    •  Raw fruit

    •  Dark leafy greens

    •  Green juice

    •  Ginger

    •  Turmeric

    •  Lemon

    •  Cayenne pepper

  • Foods to Avoid: 

    •  Grains

    •  Meat

    •  Dairy

    •  Soda

    •  Processed foods

    •  Sugars

    •  Caffeine

If you need more help resetting your diet, try our free Eating by Design Program

2. TRY ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES. Natural anti-inflammatory supplements help to calm the nervous system and reduce inflammation. The best part about using natural solutions, like herbs, is that they work synergistically in the body for the best overall healing. Under the guidance of a health practitioner, many people have used natural anti-inflammatories to slowly wean off of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and addicting painkillers. Here are a few of our most powerful formulas:

3. WATER, HYDRATION & MINERALS. Toxins that cause inflammation can only be removed through the fluid systems of the body. Proper hydration and alkalinity support this process and help the body flush out acidic waste. While consuming fluids is essential, not all liquids are the same. It's important to avoid things that will cause dehydration in the body like coffee, black tea, soda, beverages with caffeine, artificial ingredients, or processed sugars. Instead consume filtered water with minerals (adding minerals to the water will help with optimal hydration and also heal the bones and joints.), hot lemon water, and herbal teas or infusions. 

Hydration Product Recommendations:

  • MitoATP by CellCore - Promotes cellular renewal and helps mitochondria in their role of viral protection.

  • Double Helix Water – Helps to boost immune function, improve cellular interaction and metabolic function, reduce recovery time, and increase energy. 

  • Berkey Water Filter - Removes chloramines, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals, and other harmful elements in the water. 

Mineral Supplements:

4. REMOVE BACTERIA & INFECTIONS. Did you know that most people have harmful bacteria and infections in their bodies? Did you also know that they can be in the joints? These infections can often be the root cause of inflammation and arthritis, so you must rid the body of these harmful invaders so it can begin to heal. Here are some of the best products to kill bacteria and boost the immune system:

5. DETOX. It's essential that while you work to kill infections and bacteria in the body, you also assist the body in the detoxification process by helping the organs function correctly to eliminate waste.

Detoxing Formulas:

  1. Liquid or Powder Bentonite Clay - Pulls toxins and chemicals from the body. You can drink liquid clay in water daily (1 tsp up to 2 tsp daily in water). Additionally, you can take clay detox baths.

  2. Enemas - Use enemas to help the body remove toxins (add coffee, lemon, sea salt, or baking soda). 

6. KIDNEY CLEANSE. Getting alkaline and using the kidneys to help eliminate acid waste is crucial. Once the kidneys and blood start to clean up, the body can remove the acid from the joints and start to heal them. 

Kidney Cleanse Recommendations: 

7. KEEP JOINTS ACTIVE. We know how challenging it is to be active when you're in pain, but becoming inactive after developing arthritis is a big mistake. For healing to occur, you must maintain good circulation, blood flow, water, and synovial fluid working through the body and joints. However, this doesn't mean you should go run a marathon, quite the opposite. Focus on activities that don't cause too much strain on the bones and joints like walking, Pilates, light rebounding, biking, stretching, and yoga. 

If you’re in the local area, visit the Whole Pilates Studio. Our instructors have worked in physical therapy and have specialties in Pilates for Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and neurological dysfunction.

8. HEAL, REPAIR & CUSHION JOINTS. You can rebuild cartilage and replace the synovial fluid that cushions the joints naturally. 

Joint Health Recommendations: 

9. REPAIR SCAR TISSUE. Systemic (proteolytic) Enzymes help remove the fibrin proteins that make up scar tissue in the body. Scar tissue is often the cause of some of the pain associated with Fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Scar Tissue Recommendations: 

Pain is our body’s way of warning us that something is wrong. Covering up the root issue with toxic chemical drugs is only ignoring the underlying problem. We challenge you to dive deeper into your health, ask God for answers, and seek out the underlying issues in your body. Only then can your body truly begin to heal more deeply.